The RIA Final Konference was held at Hilton Hotel, Ankara on the 03 November 2009. To read more...


"RIA for Prime Ministry Senior Officials"  was made on the 14 October 2009. To read more...


"RIA for Prime Ministry Experts"  was made on the 13 October 2009. To read more...


"The RIA External Stakeholders Seminar" was held at Dedeman Hotel, İstanbul on the 02 October 2009. To read more...


"The RIA Senior Officials Seminar" was held on the 10 September 2009, at the Rixos hotel in Ankara. The Prime Ministry Undersecretary, Efkan Ala talked on the importance of good regulation to the participants and Mustafa Baltacı, Director of the Regulatory Reform Group, Prime Ministry made presentation on RIA. To read more...


"Regulatory Impact Analysis Network" was made on the 17 July 2009. To read more...


"Analytical Tools and Data Gathering" was made on the 15 July 2009. To read more...


"General RIA Training" was made on the 06-08 July 2009. To read more...



The second study tour of the project was made to Stockholm, Sweden. (08-12.June.2009) To read more...


"EU Harmonisation" was made on the 04 June 2009. To read more...


"Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) Analytical Tools and Data Collection" was made on the 15-16 March 2009. To read more...


"Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) Planning" was made on the 11-12 March 2009. To read more...




The Project undertook a Study Tour to the UK between 9 and 13 February to look at the use of Impact Assessments and the wider better regulation agenda. The participants, from the Prime Ministry, the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance Revenue Department, met with officials from: the Better Regulation Executive, the Treasury, Revenue and Customs Department, Financial Services Authority, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Food Standards Agency, the National Audit Office and the Clerk to the House of Lords Merits Committee.

The Study tour heard about how Impact Assessments are developed, used and scrutinized in the UK to consider regulatory options and the impacts on stakeholders. Other topics discussed were consideration of the enforcement of regulation and the better regulation agenda in the EU, including how UK regulators use Impact Assessments to negotiate on EU regulation and options for implementation.

It was a very comprehensive programme, and the input of all those who contributed was much appreciated by the participants. Consideration of the issues discussed and the relevance to development of this agenda in Turkey is an important part of the programme of training and development in relation to implementing RIAs in Turkey.


The launch of the "Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework" Project was made on the 20th of January 2009 at the Prime Ministry Turkish Statistical Institute Conference Hall.


The launch of the Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework Project was made on the 20th of January 2009 at the Prime Ministry Turkish Statistical Institute Conference Hall. The opening speeches were held by Mr. Tibor Varadi, Deputy Head of Mission, ECD, Mr. Efkan Ala, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister and Mr. Nazım Ekren, Deputy Prime Minister.


After the speeches about the Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework project, held by Mr. Mustafa Baltacı, Head of Regulatory Reform Group, Prime Ministry and Ms. Karen Hill, Team Leader, Project TAT, a questions and answers session was held. To read more...


The "Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework" Project, Training of Trainers event was concluded between 18-20 November 2008 at the Monec Hotel. To read more...










The Project “Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework”, is funded by the European Union with Prime Ministry as the beneficiary and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit as the contracting authority.


“Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework” Project is implemented by the consortium led by IBF International Consulting with consortium members Piri Group and Jacobs & Associates. “This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the IBF Consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”