RIA      Better Regulation


What is Better Regulation?

Better regulation is a concept consisting of the principles specified below and implemented by the EU and OECD countries with its various dimensions:

  • Proportionality: The regulators should only intervene if necessary. The solutions proposed should include minimum risks and costs.

  • Accountability: The regulators should logically justify their decisions and be open to public inspection.

  • Consistent: Rules and standards should be consistent and the implementation should be fair.

  • Transparency: The regulators should be open to all kinds of views and proposals and make simple, clear and user-friendly regulations.

  • Targeted: A regulation should be problem targeted and minimize the side effects.

  • Locality: A regulation should be formulated at the closest point to the public.

  • Accessibility: A regulation should be accessible by users via information technology and the process should be facilitated.


Main mechanisms used to execute these principles are as follows:

·      Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA)

·      Stakeholder participation

·      Simplification and review

·      Measurement and evaluation

·      Decrease of administrative burden and red-tape

·      E-state applications

·      Efficiency of implementation







The Project “Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework”, is funded by the European Union with Prime Ministry as the beneficiary and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit as the contracting authority.


“Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework” Project is implemented by the consortium led by IBF International Consulting with consortium members Piri Group and Jacobs & Associates. “This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the IBF Consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”