What is Better Regulation?
Better regulation is a concept consisting of the principles specified below and implemented by the EU and OECD countries with its various dimensions:  

What Is Regulatory Impact AnalysIs (RIA)?

Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) is a leading element of the better regulation and the most comprehensive and successful governance tool accepted on the international platform aiming at systematically examining the possible benefits and costs as well as the positive and negative impacts of an existing or to be drafted legislation. 




Pursuant to the Prime ministry Circular dated 2/4/2007 and numbered 2007/6, the public institutions and agencies within the scope of the by-law on the procedures and principles for preparing legislation are assigned to build capacity for the RIAs to be prepared within their own bodies, to establish quality and a unit to ensure coordination with the Better Regulation Group under the body of the Prime Ministry, to comply with the attached Regulatory Impact Analysis Guidelines during their duties. 




The RIA Final Konference was held at Hilton Hotel, Ankara on the 3rd November 2009.  

The RIA External Stakeholders Seminar was held at Dedeman Hotel, Ýstanbul on the 2nd October 2009.  

"The RIA Senior Officials Seminar" was made on the 10th September 2009.  






The Project “Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework”, is funded by the European Union with Prime Ministry as the beneficiary and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit as the contracting authority.


“Introducing Regulatory Impact Analysis into the Turkish Legal Framework” Project is implemented by the consortium led by IBF International Consulting with consortium members Piri Group and Jacobs & Associates. “This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the IBF Consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”